Sunday 27 March 2011

How to download films, DVD, CDs and music for free at high speeds

Free content

For some reason people use torrents which are generally very slow, difficult to use and requires additional software. More importantly, people don't understand how to use encryption so there is a chance that you can be identified easily. What I'm about to tell you should allow you to download any software, any music, any book, any tv show and any film. No, its not a scam its offered as a service by every ISP as part of their contract to provide the internet to consumers.

Newsgroups explained

 What are newsgroups you might ask? Well, when the internet was first created there were more elements than just the world wide web you use today. There was something called a newsgroup which are like blackberry messenger (BBM), or like forums on the world wide web (www) today. People would discuss topics or seek help for technology issues. It was ugly and text based with no pictures. Needless to say the web took over. But not before it was included in the charter for ever single ISP in the world, that's right every single internet service provider must give you the option to view and download from newsgroups.

People discovered that replacing their forums with ASCII characters that are made up of bits and bytes ( i.e what you and I call films and music) was easy to do. At first it was smaller software, but now you can get full blu-ray postings of entire copies of films, TV shows, DVDs or full albums to download.

Accessing newsgroups

If you're not technical then access can we via the world wide web. Just go to a website like Easynews. They provide a simple google like interface where you search for your chosen film or music and it just pops up for you to download. Bear in mind you will be downloading this at your full internet connection speed rather than crawling along with bit torrent. A TV episode takes about five minutes to download and a film will take about 10 minutes. To enable this easy view easynews charge you a monthly fee between $5 and $15 - not a lot but if you don't have a credit card then impossible. Although I think they let you pay via paypal and other payment types.

If you want to get this stuff completely for free you're going to have to read up like a techie. Download a program called NewsShark and a free copy of WinRAR and read newshark's instructions on connecting to newsgroups. If you do a search for your ISP with the word newsgroups and nntp I'm sure it won't take long to find the settings. If you're non technical I highly recommend the easynews option above.