Tuesday 26 June 2012

Stock Market Crash 2012

Will the stock market crash in 2012? With all the bad news the S&P 500 and FTSE still seem to be remarkably high. Why is this?

There is a school of thought that suggests we are in such bad shape that the very foundations of our debt based monetary system is unravelling. Capitalism ( i.e borrowing from the future to invest wisely in the present to continue growth ahead of general population growth ) is in crisis. We have invested our capital badly into projects of little future vaue and given power to a minority who are hell bent on skimming as much as they can - because they don't know any other way to act. The system has been left in tatters. Every time it tries to self-regulate e.g failing banks (RBS, Citigroup etc) , failing business models (US solar energy, General Motors), failing accounting standards (IFRS banking book rule changes in 2009) the bankers use their politican friends to re-write the rule book and bail everyone out.

Life just doesn't work this way. We are just prolonging the inevitable reset of the system. Math is not influenced by cunning political debate or bonus increases - society in the West has become too unproductive to provide anything of value to the rest of the world. FACT. Instead of spending time educating our workforce and actually teaching them to enjoy learning and creating "new" great things - we put them into Finance to scam the system a little more. We need to make R&D not only acceptable but cherished. Researchers should come on TV and show children cool things. They should tour factories and laboratories to see and hear scientists talk about the cool science that people are looking into. Forget about Finance - the journey of designing and creating will be what they live for. Money after all, never used to buy you happiness. I know its hard to believe but the get rich quick schemes only really benefit those selling them. Even bankers realise their bonuses are peanuts compared to what those at the top of society receive.

You need to follow your passion to be happy.

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