Thursday 27 October 2011

US Government Q3 GDP Lies

It seems we have let our governments run amok. They beat their people in the streets (see Occupy Wall Street), threaten to disband peaceful demonstrations (see Occupy London Stock Exchange) and now just blatantly lie with new statistics.

Let's look at this graph for a joke[Straight from ZeroHedge:]

How can this be? How can GDP in Q3 in the USA incerase by 2.5%? Most people are struggling and cutting back expenses. Jobs are unavailable and we are heading for a depression. Except the US government will have us believe that we have had the largest spike in personal consumption in history! So, either everyone is suddenly going to get very jolly in the next 12 months? Or someone is lying about the consumption statistics...heaven forbid we have any investigative journalism here folks. Wouldn't want the 99% to know that they pay for departments to make up statistics..teehee.

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