Friday 4 November 2011

G20 Failure: Cannes est pointless!

Can't people see that our politicians have no more answers except to spend even more of our future earnings. What an absurd situation:

1. The Eurozone are lending Greece money in order back the Eurozone! - are you kidding? They think this is a solution?

2. a 50% @"haircut" in Greek debt doesn't constitute a  "default event". Its the equivalent of me asking my bank to give me 50% off my mortgage because I don't think I'll pay it anymore and the bank saying that the loan is not impaired! These people have gone mad!

3. We are continuing this farce because banks did not calculate risk correctly on Italian, Greek, Spanish, Irish and Portuguese debt. The only job of a bank is to manage ****ing risk! If they can't do this they should fail! That is how capitalism works!

 4. Banks can't fail because who would then lend money to feckless politicians to for election promises that they have no hope of achieving! The world has been built on a wonder people want something better. They can finally see behind the curtain and there aren't any smart people there with firehoses - there's nothing!

5. The ESF Fund is dead! It will never work! Why!? Because we are creating a fund using investors who have no money - to invest in bonds which will definitely lose money!? Who would do that?! The Chinese are too smart to be the whipping boys of Europe.

This is going to get ugly. We should put our politicans in prison for gross mis-management but they way they have in-acted laws now - they are all above the law! You can't even put them in prison for stealing taxpayers money and illegally using expenses and advisors to gain cushy jobs after they finish their terms in office! Government has become a gravy train for the rich to gain even more money, power and influence - IT HAS TO STOP!!

Has anyone else noticed how we've suddenly turned on Iran and the rhetoric from the US and Israel is about "striking first". Do you think this will be the war that the politicians use to distract us from their failures!?

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